This does not constitute investment advice. Returns mentioned herein are in no way a guarantee or promise of future returns. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully.
"Feeling lazy? Good news."
Introducing PersonalFN's latest
A Fully Readymade
Wealth Solution
With 7 Ultra Strategies to Boost Your Gains In 2020.
Investing in mere portfolios? Stop right now. Instead, start building full-fledged investment strategies to reach your financial goals and build wealth over time.
What if we told you that the way you are investing is probably WRONG?
And we would go as far as to say that it is true with most retail investors.
Forget about those media talking heads.
Forget about the so-called "expert" neighbor.
Forget about your close relative too.
Finally, forget PORTFOLIOS.
If you are still building portfolios in 2020, it is likely that your returns are, let's say, not up to your expectation.
And they won't ever be.
Because you are missing the final piece of the puzzle here.
The little, most overlooked piece that might boost your investment returns in the years to come!
Sounds like a hype?
It is not.
In the next few minutes, we are going to prove you what we are talking about...with hardcore, number-crunched examples.
So, are you with us?
Then, let's get on this ride.
Your investing method is probably outdated
And you don't know it!
You are probably still investing in portfolios.
Yes, that "get rich" portfolio your financial advisor might have suggested you last year.
And yes, you probably saw some return on your investment too.
But hey, is that the right way to invest?
What we mean is, what if there was a better way to generate wealth than this?
What if we told you that there is another RIGHTER and time-tested way to invest in mutual funds?
But first, we are going to show you why exactly we are saying so.
For a second, let's suppose that you invested in a portfolio XYZ, made of three funds, viz. X, Y and Z.
This chart is for illustration purpose only.
Inherently, the overall investment return is dependent on each of these funds.
So, let's say, X procures a return of 27% in the last year (Whoa! That's a big number.)
Y fetches a meagre 9.7% return in the same period. Not bad, right?
However, Z went up by 5% in the first half but loses by a hefty 11.1% in the second half of the year! - That's a bummer because it was your favorite fund.
On a whole, they brought in a not-so-bad but yet-not-so-glamorous 10% in investment returns last year.
Well, if you have invested only in X, you would be rejoicing right now.
But then again, if you had invested in Z only, you might be rather disappointed.
Well, even though you somehow averted those extreme possibilities, you did end up with an "average" investment return which, according to us, beats the very purpose of investing.
...To consistently generate as much wealth as possible in the little time possible.
And that's why we prefer a different investment approach.
We do not prefer investing in portfolios.
We prefer to follow the 'secret' instead.
The secret behind success of
The 'Smart Money'
We like investing in investment 'strategies' instead.
What does that mean?
Portfolios are constants.
Strategies are variables.
Let us explain, when you call it a 3-fund portfolio, it means that you are going to stay invested in those funds (or rather, that portfolio) over time.
However, when we call it a 'strategy', we mean that we are going to stay invested in that particular 'strategy' over time.
And we will invest in any fund that fits into our strategy.
So, let's take the above example.
For example, if you could have made a slight change in your portfolio, ditched fund 'Z' mid-way and invested in another fund A that brought in 15.4% return in the second half, your overall portfolio return would have been...guess what...a hefty 19.3%!
This chart is for illustration purpose only.
All because you made that little tweak in your portfolio.
But it's not just about making a little tweak here and there.
The trick is to know why and when to make that little "tweak" in your portfolio.
In the above example, we can say that our goal was to maximize our portfolio returns in ONE year only.
This calls for an aggressive portfolio churning but the alpha returns are much, much higher if done right.
However, not everyone is planning merely for a year of investment, right?
We invest for a variety of reasons.
For our children's education.
For that lavish home.
For our retirement.
For that world tour.
Heck, the list goes on.
It can span from one year to over 20 years.
And each of these cases calls for a particular investment "strategy" and NOT a portfolio.
A portfolio that is comprised only of high-quality mutual funds with potential to drive the financial goal forward.
In fact, as an investor, you should probably have MULTIPLE such portfolios for multiple purposes.
Every portfolio serving a different investment strategy.
And that's why we are writing to you today.
We bring to you the most comprehensive wealth solution PersonalFN has to offer.
*Drumroll please*
Introducing PersonalFN's exclusive
Wealth Building Solution
FundSelect Plus
We present to you our exclusive service--FundSelect Plus--comprised of in-depth investment strategies that are geared for every phase of your financial life.
In other words, a complete wealth building solution for almost your EVERY financial goal.
Yes, that's ambitious.
But we are confident.
And to help you achieve that, we have created SIX distinct readymade investment strategies... all made available to you instantly as a FundSelect Plus subscriber.
Now you might ask, "But why exactly 'six'?"
Because our research team has figured that only six such investment strategies are probably enough and, more importantly, feasible to invest in for optimum gains and all-around fulfilment.
Whatever your financial need or goal is, these highly optimized six investment strategies will be able to fulfill it over years to income.
Whether you are looking for fast investment gains or looking for a long-term retirement plan, these Six Investment Solutions may be what you need.
Below Is A Complete Brief on
Super 6 Investment Strategies
(With Wealth Building Potential)
To start with, 3 of such strategies focus on equity mutual fund investing and the rest 3 focus on debt mutual fund investing.
Each of these investment strategies, whether equity or debt, are being driven with a specific financial objective in mind.
We recommend mutual funds that conform to our designed investment strategy and most importantly, that passes our S.M.A.R.T. Score Matrix test.
Our research team uses our proprietary SMART Score Matrix to select high quality mutual funds that have superior wealth-building potential.
"What is the SMART Score Matrix?"
We select mutual funds on the basis of 5 variable tests, viz. Systems and Process, Market cycle performance, Asset management style, Risk-reward ratios and Performance Track Record.
S | M | A | R | T |
Systems and Processes | Market Cycle Performance | Asset Management Style | Risk-Reward Ratios | Performance Track Record |
So, each fund recommended by PersonalFN has to go through our stringent process where they are tested on these five essential parameters.
It's like taking a test on five different qualities and getting scores from a very strict teacher!
What we normally try to see in these funds are as follows:
The fund manager possesses decent experience and is not overloaded with multiple schemes. Moreover, the fund house should have well defined investment systems and process in place.
The fund has successfully generated positive returns across market cycles, viz. bullish and bearish. It is important the fund has the ability to limit your losses during crisis.
The portfolio should not be too concentrated, highly churned or low quality. It should be managed efficiently.
The fund must offer adequate return for the risk incurred. It should not be putting your money to unnecessary risk.
The track record of the fund in terms of generating return on investment over various time periods like 1 - year, 3-years, 5-years and so on.
This matrix is specially developed by the in-house research team at PersonalFN and we believe, it's one of the best and reliable fund selection methodologies in the industry today.
So, let's delve deeper and see how it works for FundSelect Plus and what you are going to receive as a FundSelect Plus subscriber...
Let's start with the equity investment strategies which we call the 'Wealth Generating Investment Strategies'.
First, the Wealth Multiplier Strategy that is built on the "high reward, high risk" concept.
Primary aim: To take higher risk for higher returns, with an aim to multiply wealth in the long run.
This is done by keeping higher allocation to funds belonging to aggressive categories like midcaps and multi caps for better diversification across market caps.
This is basically for the strong-minded investors who do not shy away from the unpredictability of the market in return with lumpsum gains in the process.
Either you win big or you lose big.
But, wait! What's the chance of winning? HUGE. And of losing? Almost negligent.
The graph below will vouch for this.
Source:, PersonalFN Research;
(Calculated based on NAV as on 15-Mar-2021, Return from 02-Jul-2007 to 15-Mar-2021)
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
The FundSelect Plus - Wealth Multiplier Strategy has returned 387% over the last 14 years, compared to 253% of S&P BSE-200 Index.
So, for every Rs 100 invested in this Strategy in 2007, it would have total to Rs 487 today.
Care for the high returns but want to mellow down on the risk?
We have got you covered.
Here comes the Wealth Creator Investment Strategy for the moderate risk takers.
Primary aim: To take moderate risk for moderately higher returns, with an aim to create wealth in the long run, by keeping higher allocation to funds offering diversification across market caps (multi-caps) along with relatively stable categories like large caps and a slight mix of aggressive hybrid funds.
It is meant for investors having moderate risk appetite and ready to forego a certain portion of their return while taking risk at their comfort level. So, we create an optimum strategy that provides 'more for less' for this particular type of investors.
And how did we fare?
Source:, PersonalFN Research;
(Calculated based on NAV as on 15-Mar-2021, Return from 02-Jul-2007 to 15-Mar-2021)
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
The FundSelect Plus - Wealth Creator Strategy returned 359% in the last 14 years, compared to 253% of S&P BSE-200 Index.
That's around 106 Percent Over that of the S&P BSE-200 Index!
Do we have something to boast about? Well, our loyal followers (thanks to you, guys!) say so.
And then there are the cautious investors.
Now, these are the investors who want to invest in equity but don't want the unnecessary market risk.
Fair enough.
For these people, we have prepared the Wealth Stabiliser Strategy--where one enjoys the benefit of the equity market yet stays away from the market risk to the minimum.
We take great pains for this particular strategy--for finding top picks that have the potential to generate wealth yet are relatively safe from the market moodiness can be really tricky.
Primary aim: To take conservative risk for moderate returns, with an aim to generate stable wealth in the long run
Higher allocation to relatively stable category of funds like large caps.
Significant exposure to hybrid funds, offering diversification across asset class.
It is meant for investors having conservative risk appetite and willing to satisfy with moderate returns, with some stability in performance.
Yes, all our funds are tested through the qualitative and quantitative parameters in our S.M.A.R.T. Matrix...
But when it comes to choosing 'conservative' funds, we are extra careful that they pass all the urgent criteria.
And that has shown results.
Source:, PersonalFN Research;
(Calculated based on NAV as on 15-Mar-2021, Return from 02-Jul-2007 to 15-Mar-2021)
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Yes, you are right.
The FundSelect Plus - Wealth Stabiliser Strategy fetched investors an absolute return of around 366% in 14 years time, compared to the meagre 253% of S&P BSE 200 Index.
Not conservative at all, right?
Our recommended strategy has grown at around 11.9% CAGR compared to S&P BSE 200 Index's 9.6% CAGR. For all those who put their faith on us and staked their capital in our recommendation, they gained an extra Rs 113 on every Rs 100 they invested. Not bad, eh?
"One good thing I find with PersonalFN is that they work on Fee based model and there are very few changes.
Also with the FundSelect Plus Service, they have launched a good concept of model portfolios. Now for my short term goals, I can align them with Conservative Equity portfolio or Debt portfolio for 3 months. This is really a great flexibility where one can assign each of his goal, according to short/long term nature with a relevant portfolio model.
With this service I feel like a portfolio manager without taking hassel or investing much time."
~ Brij Pandey - (IT Consultant - Singapore)
Well, now that we are done with the equity funds, let's move on to next.
Debt Fund Investing Strategies
...Doing it the right way
As we said, 3 of our investment strategies are aimed at debt mutual fund investors.
As you would already know, a debt mutual fund is for the retirees, pensioners and other investors who prefer relatively safe and stable income investments.
So, in this case, we developed three investment strategies for three different time spans to serve as a steady income source for the investors. We call them Wealth Preserver Strategies.
Less than 1 Year.
1-2 Years.
More than 2 Years.
Well, the investment returns do vary according to the holding periods.
However, in all these cases, they are far higher than what you get from average fixed deposits.
These investment strategies are based on two mottos:
They are relatively less risky than that incurred in equity mutual funds.
They are more or less stable throughout the invested period.
So, here's a rundown on the performance of our debt investment strategies so far.
Source:, PersonalFN Research;
(Calculated based on NAV as on 15-Mar-2021, Return from 02-Jul-2007 to 15-Mar-2021)
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
As you can see above, if we compare the performance of our recommended debt strategies vis-a-vis Composite Bond Fund Index over a period of 14 years...
All the recommended Wealth Preserver Strategies fared better than it.
Our "More-than-2-years" Debt Strategy surpassed the Crisil Composite Bond Fund Index by around 19 percent!!
While all the debt fund strategies generated returns in the range of around 7.5%-8.5% CAGR, our recommended funds chosen through our S.M.A.R.T. investment criteria have not only returned much better...
...They have also been steadily doing so for over A DECADE!
Now, our research has discovered that the most optimum investment returns can be generated with the combination of multiple investment strategies at once.
Particularly in case of equity mutual funds.
And for that reason, we have developed a special solution.
Our Strategic Wealth Builder
The Best of Both Worlds
This particular investment strategy is special in the sense that...
It is based on a proven and time-tested investment technique that lets you ensure long-term capital growth and even enjoy short-term rewarding opportunities.
So, what is exactly Strategic Wealth Builder concept?
The Wealth Builder concepts on the C + S idea.
C stands for 'Core'.
S stands for 'Satellite'.
So, in essence, by 'Core', we mean the mutual funds that you stay invested in for stable long-term gains and by 'Satellite', we mean the mutual funds that are regularly churned for short-term profit spikes.
And following this particular investment strategy, a special portfolio is built with the characteristics below:
This portfolio consists of carefully selected stable and consistent diversified equity mutual funds (in India), which are designed to benefit from the growth potential of the Indian economy.
While building this portfolio, we followed a pure long-term portfolio building strategy.
It is diversified across investment style and fund management, while each fund is true to its investment style and mandate.
It contains right number of schemes in the right proportion. In short it carries the most optimum allocation to each scheme and investment style
Normally, this portfolio will consist of 4 'core' mutual funds and 3 'satellite' mutual funds.
This portfolio, based on the C+S Investment Strategy, is built on...
...on differentiated investment styles with optimum fund allocation
Source:, PersonalFN Research;
(Calculated based on NAV as on 15-Mar-2021, Return from 01-April-2012 to 15-Mar-2021)
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Even when this strategy was optimized to move with the economy for enhanced stability and boosted returns, it brought in TWENTY TWO PERCENT above of that of S&P BSE 200 Index!
That is, if you invested Rs 1,00,000 in capital in Strategic Wealth Builder, 9 years back, it would have given you around Rs 22,000 or 22% more than the broader market index.
"I am obliged to PFN for educating me in management of personal finance. I have designed my MF portfolio taking guidance from PFN. I appreciate prompt responsiveness of PFN team to subscriber queries, and their approach to take onboard subscriber requests and feedback. In particular, I liked research reports for a couple of funds which clearly guide investors not to invest in spite of high returns, due to underlying risk and doubtful sustainability of returns in the long term. This differentiates PFN from other MF research services."
~ Rasesh Choksi (FundSelect and FundSelect Plus subscriber since Oct 2012)
Minimize Taxes Upto Rs 46,350
with Mutual Fund Investing
It can never be complete unless our investment strategies include minimization of taxes as well.
This will be a separate strategy of mutual fund schemes aimed primarily to lower your tax burden as much as Rs 46,350 in a financial year.
It will consist of 3 tax-saving mutual funds that will be regularly updated for maximum investment benefits.
And this is added to the above strategies for FREE --no charge at all!
Isn't that amazing?
So, let's recap what you are getting as a FundSelect Plus subscriber.
7 well-researched investment strategies for your financial needs.
7 timely mutual fund recommendations as per those strategies.
Regular performance tracking by PersonalFN's own research team.
A well-built wealth generation solution promising you financial freedom.
Click here to subscribe now
But as an investor, you might be thinking whether you should invest at this moment? Well, let us tell you...
Today Is the Best
Time to Invest
If you start investing today, you might end up seeing double or even triple digit returns in the next 8-10 years.
But that is only possible when you invest in the RIGHT mutual funds and follow the RIGHT investment strategy.
So, are you going to sit down with your pen and paper, and start chalking out strategies and looking for funds in journals, web portals or television?
Or, are you going to let us do ALL the hard work for you so that you can enjoy the benefits over years to come?
Make the right choice today.
And that's not all.
A Few Extra Benefits for You!
With FundSelect Plus subscription, you also get:
New Fund Offer (NFO) Research:
With the change in market sentiments, a lot of mutual funds, whether open-ended or close-ended, are cropping up almost every week.
Do you know what the worthiness of such funds are?
Don't worry, we are going to do the grunt work for you.
We will assess each one of those New Fund Offers (NFOs) and examine their viability as an investment avenue through our detailed NFO Reports.
And that comes for FREE with your subscription!
Investment Ideas Notes (Monthly)
Let us accept a stark fact today.
There is simply too much noise around.
Most brokerage houses, media, financial portals and various finance blogs...all are ready with their "expert" views and opinions on what's going on in the market.
Can you really trust all of them? Probably no.
But we are no "experts". We consider ourselves scholars of the market--learning something every day.
In fact, we, at PersonalFN, believe that your chance of losing money multiplies when you follow someone else's bad advice, instead of doing a bit of research yourself.
That is why we ensure that our monthly investment ideas provide a well-studied and factual opinion of the markets, cutting out the unnecessary noise around and help the investor make smart choices every day.
Is it all? Nope.
We are not done yet.
We also want you to benefit from a rare opportunity of creating a SIP-Worthy Portfolio!
Therefore, in your subscription, we will add a copy of our exclusive special report...
5 Undiscovered Equity Funds
with High Growth Potential
Can you imagine how a HANDFUL of equity funds with strong growth potential have gone totally 'undetected' under the market radar?
It's totally unimaginable yet it is true.
Our research team has stumbled upon a small set of unidentified funds that has not only scored high on ALL our qualitative and quantitative parameters.
..but also have solid wealth creating potential that might make you perk your ears now.
Rarely any one is talking about or recommending these particular funds at present.
They have gone unnoticed somehow, and let's just say, it presents one of the most lucrative investment opportunities for you.
Invest in these future darlings today and reap market-beating gains tomorrow.
These are small sized funds that have the potential to attract investors through their performance and may even grow multifold in size.
We are talking about double, triple or even QUADRUPLE returns. No kidding!
Though this report is worth thousands, considering the HUGE benefit that it will render to its users, we have decided to offer it for 'Free' to our new FundSelect Plus subscribers.
Sounds Great?
But it doesn't stop here...
Here is something more
10 Lessons to Master
Mutual Fund Investing
Inside this exclusive guide, we have attempted to cover almost ALL the crucial questions you might have about mutual fund investing.
And we are quite sure that these questions, while unknown to most rookie investors, might baffle even the experienced ones.
Are you a mutual fund investor? Then, this guide is going to be a treat for you.
Whether you are just starting or have been investing for a long time, this guide will be of great value to you.
Want a peek at the questions that are adequately answered inside the guide? Here are just a few below:
How You Can Judge If Your Fund Manager Is A Trader?
What Are The 3 Vital Points That Make for A Superstar Fund?
What Are the Myths About Dividends Declared by Mutual Funds?
Should You Invest in A Mutual Fund Scheme Looking at Its NAV?
How You Can Manage Short-Term Liquidity?
And many more...
And as a FundSelect Plus subscriber, you can get it for FREE...without any charge at all!
Isn't that great?
So that means, in return of the nominal price mentioned above, you are getting:
4 High-Potential Wealth Generating Strategies
3 Steady-Income Wealth Preserving Strategies
A Special List of Tax Saving Funds
Complete Access to Our NFO Research - Free Monthly Subscription to Investment Ideas Notes
Free Special Report - "5 Undiscovered Equity Funds with High Growth Potential"
Free Exclusive Guide - "10 Lessons to Master Mutual Fund Investing"
However, if you would ask us, all these do not matter more than the peace of mind that you get in return.
Not spending hours in front of the TV.
Not scouring through the financial journals.
No fear of building a sub-par portfolio with NO good prospects.
No fear of failing your financial goals.
FundSelect Plus relieves you of the limitations and paves a smooth and easier way for you to start investing today.
What would a few thousand rupees be worth if it could make you sleep peacefully at nights, knowing that your tomorrow is going to be happy and blissful?
You, being an investor, would better understand.
Speaking of which...
And yet there's one more reason why you should sign up right now.
Get A Massive 50% Discount
Only If You Sign Up Today
And it is quite justified, if you ask our opinion.
If a simple investment of Rs 10,000 could potentially earn you an extra Rs 1,00,000 in returns, would you choose not to go for it?
It's like a virtual team of financial analysts working every day for you.
But to make it even more attractive and affordable for you, we are giving you yet another reason to sign up right now.
If you sign up today, we are going to provide you with a massive 50% discount on the first year's subscription fee.
Instead of the regular Rs 10,000, you are going to pay Rs 4,950 only.
Don't waste this opportunity for you are one of the few privileged PersonalFN followers who are receiving this.
And hey, here's another surprise gift for you.
Extra 3 Months Bonus Access
At No Charge At All
You are going to get a 3 months bonus access to the service...if you sign up today.
That means for a nominal price of Rs 4,950, you are going to get 15 months of FundSelect Plus subscription.
That comes to a mere Rs 11 per day.
Can you not afford to spare it for your financial future?
Grab this golden opportunity while it's still on.
Still Thinking?
Try FundSelect Plus With
30-Days Full Money Back Guarantee
Your risk is ZERO!
...Because your subscription to FundSelect Plus will be covered under our 30-Days - Full Money-Back policy.
You can enjoy a 30-days trial with a full refund guarantee.
Get complete access to all the investment strategies recommended under FundSelect Plus for a month.
Along with the unique monthly Investment Ideas Note, NFO Research and so on...
If you don't like it or think it is not for you, which is very rare...
Just let us know before the 31st day of your subscription and we'll refund the entire fee you paid.
No quibble, No delays!
You will still get to keep:
The copy of our Special Report - 5 Undiscovered Equity Funds with High Growth Potential
PersonalFN's exclusive Guide on - 10 Lessons To Master Mutual Fund Investing
They are questions asked.
Sounds good?
It will take only a few minutes of your time and you will be well on your path to achieving your financial goals and objectives.
And we really want to.
So don't delay!
Subscribe to FundSelect Plus Today!
FundSelect Plus Super Exclusive Offer!
1 Year + 3 Months Bonus
Price: Click here to become a FundSelect Plus subscriber right now.
To your wealth,
Team PersonalFN
P. S. Still thinking? Seven investment strategies, regular performance updates, FREE bonuses worth thousands of rupees, PersonalFN's special features...everything at your disposal. Get your wealth creation buddy now.
P.P.S. Remember, you are getting it at a HUGE 50% OFF + 3 months bonus access if you sign up today. If you miss it today, you might miss it forever. We might not be able to extend this awesome offer for long. Act now.
P.P.P.S. Sign up for FundSelect Plus today and you will have 30 full days to decide whether or not you want to pay for this invaluable service. If not, let us know any time during that period, and you'll receive a full refund - no questions asked. That's a promise!
P.P.P.P.S. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risk. Subscribers should consider their risk appetite and understand the suitability before acting on the recommendations.
*Price inclusive of applicable Goods and Services tax
** The performance data quoted above represents past performance and does not guarantee future results.
© Quantum Information Services Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Any act of copying, reproducing or distributing this newsletter whether wholly or in part, for any purpose without the permission of PersonalFN is strictly prohibited and shall be deemed to be copyright infringement.
Disclaimer: Quantum Information Services Pvt. Limited (PersonalFN) is an independent Mutual Fund research house and SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (Registration No. INA000000680). All content and information is provided on an 'As Is' basis by PersonalFN. Information herein is believed to be reliable but PersonalFN does not warrant its completeness or accuracy and expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied. The Services rendered by PersonalFN are on a best effort basis. PersonalFN does not assure or guarantee the User any minimum or fixed returns. The Services are designed and provided based on the information and documentation furnished on this website/to the Personalfn by the User. The recommendations/advice made by PersonalFN are subject to several risks & other external factors not in the control of PersonalFN such as financial markets, macro and microeconomic factors, and other factors that can cause an adjustment in the User's own financial situation and the progress of the User's plan. The results may be based on certain assumptions. PersonalFN and its employees, personnel, directors will not be responsible for any direct / indirect loss or liability incurred by the user as a consequence of him or any other person on his behalf taking any investment decisions based on the contents and information provided herein. Use of this information is at the User's own risk. This is not directed for access or use by anyone in a country, especially USA, Canada or the European countries, where such use or access is unlawful or which may subject PersonalFN or its affiliates to any registration or licensing requirement. The User must make his own investment decisions based on his specific investment objective and financial position and using such independent advisors as s/he believes necessary. Past performance is no guarantee of any future results. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Quantum Information Services Private Limited (PersonalFN) may hold shares in the company/ies discussed herein. As a condition to accessing PersonalFN's content and website, User agrees to our Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, available here.
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