JPMorgan Mutual Fund

Scheme Category :


Scheme Name :

Recommendation :

Name of the Mutual FundJPMorgan Mutual Fund
Date of set up of Mutual Fund08 Feb 2007
Name(s) of SponsorJPMorgan Asset Management (Asia) Inc.
Name of Trustee CompanyJPMorgan Mutual Fund India Pvt. Ltd.
Date of Incorporation of AMC20 Sep 2006
Address of AMCJ.P. Morgan Tower, Off. C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai - 400 098
Telephone Number+91 22 6157 3000
Fax Number+91 22 6157 4170

Fund Category Launch Expense Ratio (%) 1-yr Return (%) Net Assets (cr)