Quantum Equity Fund of Funds (QEFOF) is a simple way to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in a portfolio of open-ended diversified equity schemes of mutual funds.

Here are a few reasons why you just can’t ignore the Quantum Equity Fund of Funds:

  1. You don't have the bother of selecting which fund house to invest in.
  2. You don't have to spend time cutting through the clutter to select the right scheme.
  3. You get the benefit of diversification across mutual fund schemes as well as the opportunity to experience different fund management styles.
  4. You get a readymade portfolio which is not biased towards a particular fund house and scheme.

Get on to the Path of
Long Term Wealth Creation!

Remember, when you invest in QEFOF, you get the following benefits instantly:

  1. You get a portfolio of 5 to 10 diversified equity mutual funds selected on the basis of solid research, which gives you a combination of independent advice and sound fund management.
  2. You don’t need to invest in many funds, just one – QEFOF.
  3. You get experienced fund managers working to manage your money. This is simply because your money is invested in various equity diversified schemes.
  4. You don’t need to fill up multiple forms any longer. Investing in QEFOF is an absolutely hassle free investment.

If you are still thinking, why not take a look at the performance of the QEFOF in our latest factsheet?

Need we say anything more?

Investment Objective

The investment objective of the scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation. The scheme will invest in a portfolio of open-ended diversified equity schemes of mutual funds registered with SEBI

What is this Fund all about?

It is a Fund of Funds - the fund invests in other mutual fund schemes It is an Equity Fund of Funds - It invests in 5-10 diversified equity schemes of other mutual funds

Asset Allocation

90-100% in Equity Schemes

0-10% in Money Market Instruments

Why should one invest in this fund?

The decision to choose which equity mutual funds to invest is highly complex as there are more than 375 schemes. So how does the investor decide which funds are worthy of its investmentThe Quantum Equity Fund of Funds simplifies the investment decision by choosing the schemes based on in-depth selection process of quantitative and qualitative characteristic

Who Should invest in this fund?

The fund is most suitable for retail investors who do not have the resources and inclination to make investment decisions.And instead of depending on an advisor for recommendation, they can invest in this fund and get all the diversification and risk control required on their investments

Are their any loads?

Entry Load - NIL

Exit Load - 1.5% within 1 Year from date of Allotment

When can one invest?

Quantum Equity Fund of Funds is open for continuous subscription since 22-July-09

Minimum Investment Amount

Rs 5,000 and in Multiples of Re. 1

Minimum Additional Investment

Rs 1,000 and in Multiples of Re. 1

Minimum Redemption Amount

Rs 1,000 and in Multiples of Re. 1

Plans / Options?


Dividend - Payout and Re-Investment

Systematic Investment (SIP)

Available - Minimum 6 investments of Rs 1,000 each

Systematic Transfer Plan


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